IV. The More Things Change . . .

This spring (2024), Brazosport Center Stages produced a drama documentary project titled “The More Things Change…,” The title is borrowed from an old paradoxical quip that goes on to say, “… the more they stay the same.”

Well, things do not stay the same.

Bobby Britton’s 2024 project recorded changes in the lives of real people in our community over the last several decades and how they met them with emotional responses ranging from joy to grief. Sometimes the subjects of his drama drove the change. But, more often, they accommodated their lives to changes they did not control. They went on with life. But change happened and there was no popular adage or universal law that would make it unhappen.

Like the characters in Bobby Britton’s reality-based drama, The Center has been met with change. We can either embrace the change and thrive or ignore it and wither into organizational irrelevance and atrophy. Our discussion of a proper response to change begins with an examination of The Center’s foundational principles.